Winter 2013- Nov to Feb 2014
Arrived back in KL from China on Friday 17th, Missed my eye appointment but no problem as Sabina is coming form Langkawi for the week end so rescheduale for Monday. Good week end with Sabi. Left for Langkawi and Reback on Tuesday. Plan was to take 2 days to get the boat ready but took an extra day. Weather not great but decided to leave on 23rd.
23rd Nov. Up 0730. Final last min stuff on boat. Check out and leave Rebak at 1200hrs. Rough weather to start. Lost a Kayak becuase i never tied it well enough but recovered it ok. Use Jib and Mizzen. Head for Singa Besar. Drop anchor at 1700hrs.
24th: A good day at SB. Played at Kayaking, it's not so easy to keep balance, I'm going to have to work at this. Did some washing (clothes). We went hunting for Lobster at low tide, along the small spit of land at the end of Sb which is exposed at low tide. WE didn't see any but the idea is very interesting and soem thing I never thought to do before. We didnt find any, lucky for the obesters lol. Then on way back to PP in the dingy we saw the Fish Farm(er) heading back to his little floating house. So we followed hime to the fish farm and bought a 2KG fish. I bit stange having to choose the fish and nether sabi or I wanted to kill it so, like the coward I am, persuaded the guy to do the dirty deed!!. I had to fillet it but the Guy killed and gutted it for us. sabi mde an amazing meal though.
25th: Up and B/fast, clean up from last nights meal. Smell of raw fish every where. Up anchor at 11:15 and head for the Gorge. No wind so motor at 3.5 knots. Drop anchor at 1230. Lunch and head for Lake of the Maiden. Spent all afternoon there. Good swimming and sunbathing,lots of monkeys, Sabina was a bit wary when they came to close. Lot's of small cat fish so a suprise scream every so often when the cat fish bit her toes. Back to PP at 1800.
26th. Up early, good wind. Woke Sabina with a coffee and up anchor at 0900hrs. head about 255deg with Job and Mizzen. Making 3.5 to 4.5Kn. great time. Then Tack and head for Kuah. Again had good wind so put up the Main as well. Lost the wind at the light house so pretty much motor from there. Drop anchor at 1415hrs. Ashore--Sabi had a dental visit. Back to PP at 1820 and then head over to YC by dingy for a shower/ shave and a beer. Sabi is in the Jacuzzi.
27th. Stayed on Anchor for the day while shopping for the planned trip to circumnavigate Langkawi.
28th. Up anchor in the AM and head for Telaga dropped Anchor just out side the marina
29th. Went ashore for shopping, bread, rum etc. breakfast on the boat but a cake at “The Loaf”. Signed for a discount card( 10rm). Got 44l petrol and 20lt water. Plus ice ( 100rm). Left late for Dati bay, up anchor at 1330 after Sabi lost her nice sun glasses. Water was to dirty/cloudy with sediment to see anything. When we got to the point to turn to Dati Bay the wind and sea were too strong, up to 2m seas, and we decided to head back to Telaga. No problems getting back to the anchorage there.
30th. Stayed the day in Telaga. Wind still strong. Did work on the boat and relaxed.
1st Dec. Quite day in Telaga, Sabi wanted to go up the cable car so we did that and .
2nd. Up at 0900, up anchor at 1000. Good run from Telaga to the point? All 3 sails and down wind. Had 5.5 to 7.4 Knots. Very good. Turned the point and big struggle ( again ) into a trong wind from North East and a strong tide as well. Only making 2 knots for 2 hours then once at the light house turned for Kuah and making 3,5 knots. Picked up a temporary bouy while check out the RLYC. Got a berth and bought PP in. Tide was still running a bit and the eng revs were 2 high. Hit the solar panel on another boat. So need to sort out the payment for that in the morning. Nice meal in the small local restaurant just past the ferry terminal.
3rd Put the O/Board into Farid. Went shopping. Rained all day. Evening meal in local restaurant up by the loto shop. Not bad but not as good as last night.
4th More shopping. Rained all day again. Meet Paul and exchanged details to pay for the Solar panel. Went to dominoes for a steak (Sabina). Place did not smell nice. Old fat?? Decided not to eat there.
5th Got motor back at 1115. Bottom leg was ant-fouled which was good to see. Issue was with dirty Carb plus timing. Cleaned out one of the petrol tanks. Need to do the other one. Out of RLYC at 1415hrs on the low slack tide. Was not looking forward to it but got out and never hit anything so all was Ok. Had a good run down to the cruise ship terminal. Jib/mizzen heading west with NE wind. Steady 4 to 5 knots. Great sail. We were heading for Chenang and motored in the last bit (into the wind). Quite blowy with strong tide. Dropped anchor in the bay. Sabina was a bit worried because wind and tide were opposisit and PP was laying funny. Anchor was under the boat. Things finally settled down when we put 20m out with the Chub. Went ashore to Sheelas for Sabinas' steak. Great restaurant. Back to the boat about 11pm. Wind had dropped and it was a dead calm night.
6th. Good night, calm. Up 0830. Check fishing gear. Ashore to check duty free and buy stuff for Thialand.
7-8-9th Rebak
10th Jumble sail and get PP ready for the Thialand trip.
11th Up work on boat , get ready to leave Rebak. Left for Telaga at 1630/ Dropped anchor at 1815. Get petrol. Sabina upset because she had 3 ideas for dinner but No shrimps, no potatoe and no butter and no feta chess. I made beans which went down well and we kept half for tomorrow.
12th Up early , in to Customs to check out. Buy
soft drinks + 40l petrol. and some food from the Loaf. Leave Telaga 1100hrs. sail for first hour in
changeable wind condition. Use motor to get to top of lankgawi then sail ( Jib/
Mizzen /Main) Wind dropped about 1530 and put motor back on. Motored in to Tarunto and dropped anchor at 1730, Set anchor then ashore in the dingy. Surf
tipped us up and I got soaked. Good walk on the beach..just before sunset. back to PP for a good meal,wine and a massage for Sabina.
13th, First night in Thai land spent at Ko Tarunto. Middle anchorage on west coast. Good long beach. We anchored near mangrove s. went ashore and got swamped by the Surf. Lots o rubbish / storm detritus. Could not find the path to the waterfall . be good to explore the mangroves by Dingy. Must plan a week or 2 to go round Taranto. Left for Ko petra, motor on at 1430 due to light wind. Dropped at 1815 at petra.
14th. Up , some snorkeling , water getting better th further noth we go. up anchor and away at 1200hrs, Dropped at 1330 at Ko Liantai. Snorkling at Ko Lian Tai . Saw small group of Dolphins ,Moray ell, box fish, Walk on beach, got big bag shells, met a wood carver who gave us a drink of rain water. The place the sea gypseyes live is pretty basic. Hard life!!!. Tried to buy some fish but no luck . Ended up being given some small fish ( 6 x 6”) from fishermen for evening meal. I cleaned them, and Sabi cooked them, great meal.
15th An early start from KO lian Thia?, mainly because I for got to adjust the clock for Thai time. Wind started out promising but quickly fell of so we ended up motor sailing with all sails to Ko kraden. Dropped anchor at 1345. Ashore for a meal and a walk, then back to PP for snorkeling and I started to clean the bottom. Also hooked up the gen set for the first time to charge the phones and camera. Went a shore at 1830. Sabi looking extra hot in a white dress. Got back 10’ish.
16th A nice late start. Got up 0745. When sabi rose we went snorkeling. Good reef. Checked ouh the Niko J2 but ti seems it’s not an underwater camera.. Saw small Box fish and 2 types of nemo. The reef is great , loads of life. Heard them in the evening and the morning.. Tried my hand at fishing, lost a lure, didn’t catch anything. Had lunch in the beach restaurant, tried to get a coconut from the tree and then back to PP . Up anchor at 1500 and head for Ko Muk ( emerald cave). Weather coming from the West?? So cave on a lea shore/ dropped anchor and waited an hour. Didn’t get any better really so up anchor and head for the South west beach. Drop at 1800 and the weather change at 1900. Raining now as I type and weather from the NE.
17th. Up anchor at? Heading for Ko lanta. Decided to stop of for lunch at ???. The Thai guide was tataoly wrong about the resturants on the west coast and we di circumnavigation to end up at a great restaurant on north of the island. Great view. Coming in to anchor was a bit scary as the reef comes up quikly. Left there at ?? for Ko lanta Wind was from the west again so slow trip. Got in and dropped anchor at 1915hrs. went ashore for hot shower and cash point . found both. Then had good meal . Wind had swung to the NE so we had a good night but was still strong.
18th. Up 0730, wind still strong from the NE so we had a late start. ( 1130). Decide to stop at ??, north bay on ko lanta.. good sail / motor sail. Sabi slept a bit to leave me to make my own decisions. Dropped anchor at 1515. . went ashore for a shower, shop, and massage.then had a nice meal. .
19th Up anchor at 0800. Heading for Krabl Boat Lagoon. Started out ok but wind was to close and having problem maintaining speed, less than 2kts at times.. Put motor on and got steady 4kt. But still arrived late at Krabi and missed the tide. Dropped anchor just off the safe bouy at N07.57.67 / E98.54.42. Initially we planned to up anchor as the tide turned and head into KBL. But the wind never dropped and could not get clear answer on the entrance to the marina so we decided to stay here the night ( rough / washing machine night) and go in on the midmorning tide at 1000hrs. In 6m water and have 25m chain out on the snubber. Going to be a long night if the wind doesn’t drop
20th. Up anchor at 0845. Day checking in . disappointed in KBL. not many amenites, the chandlery is only open one day a week!
21st. Leave KBL on morning high tide. Out at 1000hrs. Had a good run to Phi Phi. Arrived and dropped anchor at 1600hrs. In for cold shower, Sabi not amused. Very Queen Victoria look as I paid the 20 Bhat to use the public wash house. We then a walk around and a meal.
22nd. Off mooring at 0800hrs heading for the “Beach”. Hoped to anchor there for an hour and snorkel before heading for Phuket. Very rough weather though and all the Buoys were taken. A bit scary getting in and out of the bay and a very rough start to the run to Ao Chalong. Weather moderated as the day went on and we made Ao Chalong ok and on to a buoy about 1800.
23, 24, 25th spent in Phuket doing shopping and checking for stuff for PP.
29th: Left Chalong late at about 1600hrs. Want to get out of the bay and a head start for the run to YH tomorrow. Been a good few days in Chalong.
30th: Good night on Bouy at Ko?? Just 2 hours out of Ao Chalong. Left at 0800hrs for a long Sail/motor run up to Ao Po marina. The run from Ao Po on to Yacht Haven was very good though and we arrived on to the berth at 1630hrs. Wind from the NE and a good 4 to 6 Knots at time with all sails up and no motor. Sabi hates motoring!!
31st: Tidy PP and get ready for 1400hr pick up for Dive trip.. Bus to Ko lak. On to MV Marco Polo at 1900hrs. sail over night to Similans. Plan is for a 6 day trip taking in Similans, Ko Bon, Ko Tachi and Richeliue Rock. Then back to Ko Tachi, Ko Bon ( My first Manta Ray!!! and then Similans for 2 days on the way back to Phuket.
1st Jan: Up & B/fast at 0800hrs. 3 dives today. Good day and no problem with my ears. Vis is good. Sabi is settling back into diving ok. The instructor, Sillvario, is good.
3rd. So some good diving yesterday and today is Richelieu Rock, one of the worlds premieres dive sites. First dive was early though. We motored thru the night from 2 am to arrive at 0500. Then up for briefing and dive at 0647hrs. Sabi did 30m dive for AOWD and I used a 15l Tank to get best time for this site. We did 4 dives on the Rock and all were good. Evening we headed back to Ko Tachi to over night
4th. One early AM dive on Ko Tachi then head for Ko Bon were we did 2 dives on the West Ridge. Ko Bon is an old volcano, basalt , not granit boulders or limestone. Saw my first manta ray on Ko Bon. Not a good photo. They move so fast but look amazingly graceful. Then back to the Similans for a Night dive. I sat this one out, tired.
6th back to Phuket
7th. Tidy boat and get ready to go to Bkk
8th. Fly to BKK in after noon.
9th shopping Bkk
10th. Shopping Bkk
11th. Boys arrive at 0600hrs. Spent the day sight seeing
12th. More sight seeing. Left Bkk on 1800 over night bus.
13thArrived YH 0600hrs. Boys into room in village while Sabi and I get boat ready.
14th Phuket, Relax with boys.
15th Phuket, Relax with boys.
16th. Left YH at 10am. Had a good sail out of the long channel using Jib / Mizzen for 7.5nm to 98.26.54 / 8.05.83. Turn south for 13.5nm and drop anchor at Ko Khai Nai at 1500hrs. Went snorkling there until 1730 then up anchor and move 2 nm to a bay just off Ko Yao Yi. Drop anchor and over night there. Didn’t have any adaptor for the boys lilo so they used cushions on deck
17th. Up at 0700, DiDi and I lifted anchor at 0730 and motor south to tip of Ko Yai ( Didi at helm while I prepared sails- Sabi and josh still sleeping) where we turned to 135deg heading under full sail to PhiPhi. 17nm. Mizzen mast is moving a bit!!! Need to check and hammer in chocks. Dropped anchor at Phiphi at 1330hrs and went ashore with the boys. They found a rome for the night and partied in to the early hours. Sabi and I had a good Body scrub / massage and eat before going back to the boat. Plan is for the boys to make their own way to maya bay tomorrow and meet up with us there.
18th. Up at 0700 and head for maya bay. Dropped anchor at 0830 but was in coral area so moved to a bouy. Had to motor around before we got one that was vacant at 1200hrs. Boys arrived back by long tail boat at 1300. Spent the afternoon snorkeling. Good time and saw sea snakes but not too many fish. Evening meal of Potatoes, beans , fried mackerel on the boat. Drank way too much wine.!!!
19th. Up at 0700 and off buoy at 0730hrs and head for Ko haa on 135deg. Started out ok sailing but wind was not steady and used motor from 1030 so we could spend time in Ko haa. Arrived at 1215 and onto a bouy. Sabin ad Didi went snorkeling, Josh slept and I worked on Mizzen mast which was still moving a bit so I decided not to use until I could secure it better. Off the bouy at 1345 heading for Rok Nok. Wind was a lot better in the afternoon and we had a good sail making 4 to 6 knots. Arrived and dropped anchor at 1830hrs.
20th. Up anchor 0745. Straight on to Jib on a heading of 170Deg for Ko Lipi and then raise main sail at 0815. Made 4.5 to 7 knots all the way.- Wind died 6nm out from Ko Lipiso the last 6m at 3kt’s. Drop sails in the lee of Ko Adang. Motor to Sunset beach and drop anchor in 12m at 1815. Ashore and find cheap room for boys. Shower, eat , drink, charge computer, Call Home. Bed at midnight
21st. 22nd 23rd -24th Stayed at sunset beach, Snorkling and relaxing. Exposed to the NE swell and wind at night so decided to move to Lipi main beach ( pattaya?) on the 23rd. We stayed there for 2 nights, Did the first dive with sabi on our own!! Good dive even if it was only in 6.5 to 8 m of the beach. Good confidence building. The boys want to stay a day or so ashore so we will go to Ko Adang to do a few more dives. Arranged to get the tanks refilled and will pick up first thing tomorrow
25th. Up 0715. Pick up tanks at 0800 and go see boys. Leave for Ko Adang at 1150 as sabi had a lie in. We stopped of at Jabang Bank, a snorkeling site. This is a underwater plateau at 5 to 6 m in 16m of water. Put PP on to one of the buoys there and did a good FIRST dive from PP!!! This is what it is all about.!!! Great dive, loads of soft corals.
27th. Left Ko Lipi early!! 0200hrs, The Buoy dragged and I woke up thinking we were in a major storm!! But what had happened was that the buoy dragged into deeper water and then we took of on the wind and current, luckily out to sea and not into the rocks.!!! So we cut the Buoy loose and motored thru the night to sun up. Wind was not good for sailing (strong but we had drifted too far south so to make langkawi meant being too close to the wind. We ended up getting to Rebak at about 1830hrs after a VERY long day on the motor.
28th. Get the boat ready to close up for 2 weeks.
29th. Leave Rebak at 1900hrs to over night at Chenang beach. Quiet night, the boys went out drinking and we had a meal at “The Red Tomato” then joined them for a few drinks.
30th. Fly to KL and then connect to Perth. Fly over night.
31st. arrive Perth at 0145hrs. Got to a hotel at 0430. Moved to a backpackers place on Hay street that afternoon . Went out to see how Perth does CNY!! Nothing special all though thee was a Fringe Festival on. Perth is funny- very few people out during the day but bars are full in the evening.
1st Feb. thru to 8th. : Stayed in Perth Area. Josh is settling in OK, doing all his paperwork. Sabi got bored with the City so went to Monkey Mia via a 4 day tour. She left on Friday 7th and I moved to Freemantle on 8th to a backpackers Hostel for 3 nights.. Sabi will return on Monday evening.
Josh and Didi have decide to move to camping!. It’s cheaper.
8th-: Checked out the marina here.
14th / 15th /16th . Arrive KL. Shop, relax, get a medical.
17th Left KL for Penang on the train, over night in Penang
18th Ferry to Kuah and then back to Rebak
18th to the 1st March: Rebak marina.
1st March: Check out Rebak at 1400hrs and head for Chenang beach. Anchor at 1530hrs
2nd / 3rd /4th / 5th :Anchored off Chenang beach. Fishing and taking life easy. Planning to head for Kuah in the morning tomorrow.
6th. Anchor off Kuah Jetty. Shop / petrol. Planning to head for Singa Besar tomorrow morning.
7th. Off anchor at 1215. Head for SB. Arrive and drop anchor at 1715. Good sail even if it was a bit slow LOL. Good body scrub with real Pineapple and Papyaya. Excellent results.
8th, Move to the Gorge and tried some fishing. Didn’t catch anything.
9th to 11th Move to Cenang beach where we relaxed for 2 days while I was waiting on word about work.
12th. Back to Rebak marina. Prepare boot to be closed up. Sabi got 4 days work in Ko lipi to bring a boat to langkawi. Russia Job slid one week.
Thur 20th Fly to KL in evening for Visa application and onward to Russia for work.